Well its official, I'm now over the hill. On the 13 of July I got a huge surprise for my birthday, 3 of my 4 children and there families came to TX to help celebrate me making it to 50. I also was able to talk to my son station in Okinawa, Japan serving in the USMC. Its been a long time getting all my family together now that everybody has become adults and left TX, been trying to convince the wife of the same thing but no bueno. Anyway let get an update on the layout since the last time.
Track work has proceeded, most of the yard is laid:
I also removed the last of the track from the old layout from the far wall:
I ended up removing most of the old benchwork to be able to redo it following the new plan. In the past people have asked me the sequence on my bench-work so here goes.
Attach double slot bracket to wall and attack appropriate shelf:
Attach 1x4 to brackets using door shims to level things out:
Glue 1" pink foam down to 1x4 stringers using Loctite Power Grab adhesive:
Lastly attach ceiling tile to top of foam. That it easy and quick.
I also added another peninsula which will represent the end of the Everman Branch lead.
So yes progress continues and hope to get more update done soon.